Monday, January 21, 2013

FLOTUS & Inaugural Fashion

How STUNNING was our First Lady Michelle Obama on Inauguration Day today??  She has become a fashion icon, for her natural beauty, her American designer choices and not being afraid to use less expensive, off the rack pieces.  She couldn't be a more proud representation of American fashion!
Today, during the Inaugural walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, Mrs. Obama sported a stunning Thom Browne overcoat.
Michelle Obama in a Thom Browne overcoat on Inauguration Day Jan 21, 2013

She has worn this designer before, at one of the Presidential debates.  Curiously to me, other fashion blogs tag this as a "repeat", because it's the same designer.

Michelle Obama in Thom Brown during the 2013 Presidential Debates
But to me, there is nothing repetitive about Michelle's style, except that it's always right on the money. She knows her body, she knows her style, she knows occasion appropriate and age appropriate, without being overly conservative and frumpy.
Thom Browne is an interesting designer in that he is fiercely creative in his couture shows and yet his designs are curiously conservative.  The past 2 seasons runway shows were rather "futuristic", contrasting with the designs in mostly plaids, tweeds and monotones.  However, we see that the shapes are distinctively modern and can easily be paired with various other shapes and designs to individualize the look, as one likes.
Thom Browne Spring 2013 runway show
Thom Browne Pre-Fall 2013 collection

I think this is what Michelle Obama likes to do.  She is the FLOTUS, she is a mother, a wife, a daughter and she is her own woman.  Her personal style and her brand are clearly fearless, strong, mature, individual and American.  She is a style icon in the Jackie Kennedy "I know exactly what I'm doing and you can't mess with me" kinda way.
The great Jacqueline Kennedy as the First Lady
Michelle Obama in Jason Wu, Inauguration dinner

Bad ass and full of class.  I like it.

I will end this post with the wish that you all had a peaceful and meaningful Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Many of his speeches and quotes inspire me every day.  I'll leave you with this one:  "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter".   Immediately I think of my animal rights causes and my passion for speaking out against any kind of cruelty.
But it also makes me feel that talking about image, how we see ourselves, how we see each other and how we want to represent our spirits to the world, also matter.  Humans are visual beings. Image is a part of how we communicate with each other.  You matter and I believe it's OK to show who you are to the world and be acknowledged!! 


  1. I love her style and I love the way she carries and expresses herself! More than anything, as a dating and relationship coach, I love the way she looks at, speaks of, and supports her husband. Truly an example of beauty and grace on all counts!

  2. I love her style. She carries herself with such confidence and grace!
